Lead-times are still at the top of the agenda for most buyers, as well as availability and the price of shipping which are adding disruption to the supply chain.
The answers to this can be different, but talking to your Charcroft sales contact, or to the team of Product Specialists, can help you to find new ways to get continuity of supply.
Focussing on your critical components can be helpful. If your order has 200 lines, there may only be 2 or 3 lines which are critical to your production line, and which are not multi-sourced. One option is to wait until the component manufacturer can increase capacity, and the shipping situation eases.
Another option could be to look at longer-term schedule for these critical components. At the moment, Charcroft is investing in holding inventory for components which are scheduled for delivery in 6 months or over the next 5 years. This long-term scheduling is combined with a stabilised price which is agreed with the customer when the order is placed.
Let me know about your concerns for sourcing components. By working together, we can look for innovative solutions which could help you to simplify procurement.
You can contact me on Debbie.Rowland@charcroft.com.
Debbie Rowland