Here at Charcroft, how we are perceived is extremely important to us. We take great pride in our level of service and knowledge, and it’s of utmost importance to us that not only do our customers and suppliers view us in a favourable light, but also that our employees are happy and feel valued. We have recently been working on our new linecard (available online or via our sales team now!), and our new website (coming soon!), and as part of this review, we took a long hard look at our branding. We quickly realised that we needed a new slogan. Our previous slogan – ‘Knowledge of yesterday, looking after today, supporting tomorrow’ – although it is still very much relevant and captures our specific brand of expertise, is not the catchiest!
So we decided to introduce a new slogan for Charcroft….. Brains were stormed, there was blue sky thinking, and we searched outside of the box! Eventually, we ran out of steam and conceded defeat. We decided to put it to the masses to come up with something punchy yet relevant, concise yet memorable. So we sent out the challenge to our staff – how would they describe us in one sentence, what sums us up to people?

We awaited the response with trepidation – uncertain whether our employees would buy into the gauntlet set out by us, and also uncertain as to what they would say! We were utterly overwhelmed with the response. The ideas that people were coming up with were not only innovative, but incredibly positive! After a tough decision-making process, we decided to go with a slogan that particularly caught our imagination – Charcroft: Challenge Accepted!

This sung to us, appealing to our competitive nature as a business, and also to the pride we have in our ability to problem solve, offer unprecedented levels of service, and provide solutions where others may not be able to. It speaks volumes about the confidence we have in our own ability, but most importantly – the confidence our own employees have in our ability. It is a true reflection of the whole ethos of Charcroft Electronics. So if you have a challenge to set us – we accept!