This September is an extremely busy month for us – not only are we exhibiting at DSEI at the beginning of the month in London, but we are also exhibiting at Sensors and Instrumentation at the end of the month. Sensors and Instrumentation and DSEi are two completely different events focusing on very different markets with very different end users and requirements. As a small to medium company, it can be a real challenge for us to provide the expertise and knowledge to service such different industries, and particularly to plan for both within a fairly short space of time.
Our attendance at these shows not only demonstrates the diversity of the applications we offer, but also shows the reach of the knowledge our product specialists have in order to be able to alternate between the two. These diverse markets really show off the breadth and depth of our technical capabilities and expertise. But despite the different challenges encountered in these different markets, our focus remains consistent. Regardless of the market we serve, whether we are selling low-volume - high spec mil-aerospace qualified capacitors with high-rel capabilities and rigid certification requirements, or high-volume, safety-critical water pressure sensors aimed at domestic boilers, such as the 116CP Series by Sensata, we endeavour to provide the highest service at all times.
At the Sensors show, we are going to be showcasing the new Photologic® V OPB9000 reflective optical sensor, from TT Electronics’ Optek brand, in the Innovation Zone. The Innovation Zone is a special display area within the show for exhibitors to demonstrate any new or innovative products, and our product specialists will be demonstrating this new optical sensor. In addition to market-leading ambient-light immunity the OPB9000 offers robust reliability and versatility for industrial and medical applications. The sensor provides dependable edge and presence detection of reflective media under a wide range of ambient-light conditions, including full sunlight.
We will be at Stand D8 at the Sensors show - come and see for yourself the level of service, expertise and knowledge that Charcroft can offer. Events such as this are not just a showcase for our product offerings but also a showcase for the knowledge we have to support them, of which we are incredibly proud. Come and Challenge Charcroft to meet your high expectations!